The Number object's toFixed() method

Last updated: March 01, 2025

The toFixed() method formats a number using fixed-point notation, returning a string representation with a specified number of digits after the decimal point.




digits (optional):

  • Number of digits to appear after the decimal point

  • Must be between 0 and 20 (inclusive), browser implementations may support larger values

  • Default is 0 if not specified

  • If the value is too large or is a negative number, a RangeError is thrown

Return value

The toFixed() method returns a string representation of the number with exactly the specified number of digits after the decimal point. The number is rounded if necessary, and zeros are added if needed to achieve the correct length.


Example 1: Basic number formatting

In the code below, the function toFixedEx1() demonstrates basic number formatting with toFixed().

function toFixedEx1() {
  let num = 42.1234;
  // Varying decimal places
  Logger.log(num.toFixed(0));  // "42" (rounded, no decimal places)
  Logger.log(num.toFixed(1));  // "42.1" (rounded to 1 decimal place)
  Logger.log(num.toFixed(2));  // "42.12" (rounded to 2 decimal places)
  Logger.log(num.toFixed(3));  // "42.123" (rounded to 3 decimal places)
  Logger.log(num.toFixed(6));  // "42.123400" (padded with zeros to 6 decimal places)
  // Integer values
  let intNum = 42;
  Logger.log(intNum.toFixed(2));  // "42.00" (adds decimal places with zeros)
  // Default behavior (0 decimal places)
  Logger.log(num.toFixed());  // "42" (same as toFixed(0))









Example 2: Rounding behavior

In the code below, the function toFixedEx2() shows how toFixed() handles rounding.

function toFixedEx2() {
  // Rounding up
  Logger.log((1.235).toFixed(2));  // "1.24" (rounds up)
  // Rounding down
  Logger.log((1.234).toFixed(2));  // "1.23" (rounds down)
  // Rounding very small numbers
  Logger.log((0.000001).toFixed(2));  // "0.00" (rounds to zero with 2 decimal places)
  Logger.log((0.000001).toFixed(6));  // "0.000001" (shows actual value with 6 places)
  // Rounding large numbers
  Logger.log((1234.5678).toFixed(2));  // "1234.57"







Example 3: Handling special cases

In the code below, the function toFixedEx3() demonstrates handling of special cases and edge cases.

function toFixedEx3() {
  // Very large numbers
  Logger.log((1e21).toFixed(2));  // "1e+21" (scientific notation preserved for very large numbers)
  // Very small decimal places
  Logger.log((0.1).toFixed(20));  // "0.10000000000000000555" (floating point precision issues revealed)
  // Negative numbers
  Logger.log((-1.23).toFixed(1));  // "-1.2"
  // Zero
  Logger.log((0).toFixed(4));  // "0.0000"
  try {
    // Invalid parameter (outside range)
    Logger.log((123.45).toFixed(-1));  // Will throw RangeError
  } catch(e) {
    Logger.log("Error: " + e.message);
  // Converting result back to number
  let str = (1.23).toFixed(2);  // "1.23"
  let num = Number(str);        // 1.23 (back to number)
  Logger.log(typeof str);       // "string"
  Logger.log(typeof num);       // "number"






Error: digits argument must be between 0 and 100



Example 4: Financial calculations

In the code below, the function toFixedEx4() demonstrates using toFixed() for financial calculations.

function toFixedEx4() {
  // Currency formatting
  let price = 19.99;
  Logger.log("$" + price.toFixed(2));  // "$19.99"
  // Calculate tax
  let taxRate = 0.0725;  // 7.25%
  let tax = price * taxRate;
  Logger.log("Tax: $" + tax.toFixed(2));  // "Tax: $1.45"
  // Calculate total
  let total = price + tax;
  Logger.log("Total: $" + total.toFixed(2));  // "Total: $21.44"
  // Calculating interest
  let principal = 1000;
  let rate = 0.05;  // 5%
  let interest = principal * rate;
  Logger.log("Interest: $" + interest.toFixed(2));  // "Interest: $50.00"
  // Formatting percentages
  let percentValue = 0.1234;
  Logger.log("Percentage: " + (percentValue * 100).toFixed(1) + "%");  // "Percentage: 12.3%"



Tax: $1.45

Total: $21.44

Interest: $50.00

Percentage: 12.3%

Example 5: Working with spreadsheet data in Apps Script

In the code below, the function toFixedEx5() demonstrates using toFixed() with Google Sheets data.

function toFixedEx5() {
  // This function is designed to be used in a Google Sheets script
  // Simulate getting values from spreadsheet
  let values = [1.2345, 5.6789, 10.5, 0.99, 123.456789];
  // Format values to 2 decimal places
  let formattedValues = {
    return value.toFixed(2);
  Logger.log("Original values: " + values.join(", "));
  Logger.log("Formatted values: " + formattedValues.join(", "));
  // Calculate average and format result
  function calculateAverage(numbers) {
    let sum = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
      sum += numbers[i];
    let avg = sum / numbers.length;
    return avg.toFixed(2);
  Logger.log("Average: " + calculateAverage(values));


Original values: 1.2345, 5.6789, 10.5, 0.99, 123.456789

Formatted values: 1.23, 5.68, 10.50, 0.99, 123.46

Average: 28.37

toFixed() vs. toPrecision() vs. toString()

Apps Script provides several methods for formatting numbers. Here's how they compare:

function compareNumberFormattingMethods() {
  let num = 12.3456789;
  // toFixed: formats to specific decimal places
  Logger.log(num.toFixed(2));        // "12.35" (2 decimal places, rounded)
  // toPrecision: formats to specific total digits (before and after decimal)
  Logger.log(num.toPrecision(4));    // "12.35" (4 significant digits, rounded)
  // toString: converts to string, optional parameter for different bases
  Logger.log(num.toString());        // "12.3456789" (full precision)
  // For larger numbers, the difference becomes more apparent
  let largeNum = 1234.56789;
  Logger.log(largeNum.toFixed(2));      // "1234.57" (2 decimal places)
  Logger.log(largeNum.toPrecision(4));  // "1235" (4 significant digits)
  Logger.log(largeNum.toString());      // "1234.56789" (full precision)








Common Pitfall: Return value is a string

Remember that toFixed() returns a string, not a number:

function stringReturnValue() {
  let num = 5.123;
  let formatted = num.toFixed(2);  // "5.12"
  Logger.log(typeof formatted);    // "string"
  // This works because of JavaScript's automatic type conversion
  Logger.log(formatted * 2);       // 10.24
  // But this concatenates rather than adds
  Logger.log(formatted + 5);       // "5.125" (string concatenation)
  // Convert back to number when needed
  Logger.log(Number(formatted) + 5);  // 10.120000000000001 (numeric addition; floating-point precision issues revealed)

Common Use Cases

The toFixed() method is useful in many scenarios when working with Google Apps Script:

  • Data presentation: Ensuring consistent decimal precision in reports and spreadsheets.

  • User interface: Displaying numeric values with appropriate precision.

  • Percentage formatting: Converting decimal values to percentage representation.

  • Scientific measurements: Formatting values with discipline-specific precision requirements.

  • Spreadsheet automation: Generating formatted reports from raw data.

Best Practices

When using the toFixed() method, keep these tips in mind:

  • Remember that toFixed() returns a string.

  • Use toFixed() primarily for display formatting, not for fixing floating-point precision issues in calculations.

  • For internationalization concerns (different decimal separators), combine toFixed() with additional formatting or consider using Intl.NumberFormat.


In this tutorial, you learned how to use the toFixed() method to format numbers with specific decimal precision in Google Apps Script. You can use toFixed()to ensure your numeric data is presented consistently and professionally in your Apps Script projects.

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