Posts tagged with: string-methods

Learn how to convert string case using toUpperCase() and toLowerCase() methods in Google Apps Script.

The charAt() method returns the character at a specific position in a string.

The concat() method combines two or more strings into a single string.

Learn how to find the position of substrings using the indexOf() method in Google Apps Script.

Learn how to find the number of characters in a string using the length property in Google Apps Script.

Learn how to replace substrings in a string using the replace() method in Google Apps Script.

Learn how to extract a portion of a string using the slice() method in Google Apps Script.

Learn how to split strings into arrays using the split() method in Google Apps Script.

Learn how to extract characters from a string using the substring() method in Google Apps Script.

Learn how to remove whitespace from the beginning and end of strings using the trim() method in Google Apps Script.