Spreadsheet Dev
Posts tagged with: conditional-formatting
Checkboxes in Google Sheets
Learn how to make your Google Sheets spreadsheet interactive using checkboxes.
Learn coding using Google Sheets and Apps Script
Do you use spreadsheets a lot? Did you know that you can build simple applications using spreadsheets or even automate your work? If this sounds exciting, this tutorial is for you.
Google Apps Script Tutorial
Learn Google Apps Script, learn how to use it to automate your tasks, and build simple user interfaces and applications in Google Sheets.
Sending email from Google Sheets
Learn how to send emails right from Google Sheets so you can create birthday reminders or automate sending those boring "Daily report" emails at work.
Build custom user interfaces in Google Sheets
Learn how to build custom user interfaces like alerts, prompts, sidebars, etc. in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.
Recent posts
Never Miss a Birthday Again: Advanced Google Sheets Reminder Template
Beginner's Guide to Working with Dates in Google Apps Script
The Math.random() method
The Number object's toFixed() method
The Number object's toString() method