Google Apps Script Tutorial

Last updated: February 15, 2025

Google Apps Script is a coding platform and scripting language in Google Workspace that lets you build simple applications on top of apps like Sheets, Docs and Slides.

The tutorials below will help you learn Google Apps Script, learn how to use it to automate your tasks in and even build simple user interfaces and applications in Google Sheets.

If you're a beginner and you're new to Apps Script, I've written a series of tutorials on learning how to code using Google Sheets and Apps Script. These tutorials start from scratch and do not require you to have any background knowledge of Apps Script or coding. Also, unlike other programming languages, you do not need to install any software to get started. All you need to get started is a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

The thing I like most about Apps Script is that you can immediately apply the concepts you learn to solve problems that you might be facing at work, in school or even in your personal life. In fact, that is the primary reason why I started this blog. I wanted to share my enthusiasm for Google Sheets and Apps Script with the world. Hope you find these tutorials helpful.

Table of contents

Google Apps Script tutorial for beginners

A series of tutorials to help you get started with Apps Script. If you're new to coding, please also check out the next section on learning how to code using Google Sheets and Google Apps Script.

Learn to code using Google Sheets and Google Apps Script

If you're new to coding, don't worry, Apps Script is easy to learn and use. The best part is that you can learn by doing and immediately apply the concepts you learn to solve real problems. If you've taken coding classes online or at school, you probably found them to be boring and impractical (When was the last time you needed Fibonacci numbers in everyday life?).

In my personal experience, Apps Script is the only coding platform and language that felt refreshingly practical and immediately useful in my day-to-day life. Just a few days ago, a script that I wrote several years ago reminded me about a family member's birthday. It just took me an hour to create the script but it has saved me from embarrassment several times over the past few years!

I've written a series of tutorials on learning how to code using Google Sheets and Google Apps Script. You won't learn every single coding concept but you'll learn enough to build simple applications.

Build user interfaces in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script

Learn how to build custom user interfaces like alerts, prompts, sidebars, etc. in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.

Automate Google Sheets and Google Workspace using Google Apps Script

You can automate your tasks in Google Sheets or other Google Workspace apps using Apps Script. You can even build simple applications with just a couple of lines of code. I truly believe that knowing Apps Script is like having super power and it is not even that hard to learn.

One of the most common use cases of Apps Script is automating repetitive tasks in Google Sheets. The next time you notice yourself doing the same multiple times, consider writing a script to automate it instead! You'll be surprised how easy it is to automate Google Workspace.

Here are some examples of applications that you can build using Google Sheets and Apps Script:

Sending email from Google Sheets

Most business use cases involve sending emails. These range from emailing invoices to customers using Mail Merge, automatically sending weekly reports to leadership or sending automated reminders to keep projects on track. It is really easy to send emails from Google Sheets and I've written several tutorials on this topic covering many of the important use cases.

Build games in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script

Working with Google Sheets doesn't always have to be about crunching numbers or automation! You can also build games on top of it. The fact that you can easily store data (it is a spreadsheet afterall), build custom user interfaces and write custom code means that you can use the spreadsheet as a canvas for building games.

Google Sheets Apps Script Examples

Tutorials covering a range of topics related to working with Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.

Google Sheets Concepts and Tips

A series of tutorials covering important concepts in Google Sheets that you will come across frequently when working with Apps Script.

DISCLAIMER: This content is provided for educational purposes only. All code, templates, and information should be thoroughly reviewed and tested before use. Use at your own risk. Full Terms of Service apply.

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