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Automate your work with Google Sheets

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Learn Apps Script

Start your coding journey with Google Apps Script, perfect for beginners looking to automate their spreadsheets.

Email Automation

Send customized emails directly from Google Sheets to automate reports, notifications, and communications.

Custom Functions

Create your own spreadsheet formulas to extend Google Sheets and solve specific problems with custom functionality.

Google Sheets UI

Build interactive elements and custom interfaces to make your spreadsheets more user-friendly and professional.

Small Scripts, Big Impact

Join 1,500+ professionals who are supercharging their productivity with Google Sheets automation

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Recent posts

Never Miss a Birthday Again: Advanced Google Sheets Reminder Template

Take your Google Sheets birthday reminder app to the next level with automated email summaries, draft birthday messages, and upcoming birthday alerts.

Beginner's Guide to Working with Dates in Google Apps Script

Learn how to create, format, and manipulate dates and times in Google Apps Script.

The Math.random() method

Learn how to generate random numbers in Google Apps Script using the Math.random() method.

The Number object's toFixed() method

Learn how to format numbers with a specific number of decimal places using the toFixed() method in Google Apps Script.

The Number object's toString() method

Learn how to convert numbers to strings with customizable radix using the toString() method in Google Apps Script.

The Number object's parseFloat() method

Learn how to convert strings to floating-point numbers using the Number.parseFloat() method in Google Apps Script.

The Number object's parseInt() method

Learn how to convert strings to integers using the Number.parseInt() method in Google Apps Script.

The String object's indexOf() method

Learn how to find the position of substrings using the indexOf() method in Google Apps Script.

The String object's split() method

Learn how to split strings into arrays using the split() method in Google Apps Script.

The String object's trim() method

Learn how to remove whitespace from the beginning and end of strings using the trim() method in Google Apps Script.

The String object's toUpperCase() and toLowerCase() methods

Learn how to convert string case using toUpperCase() and toLowerCase() methods in Google Apps Script.

The String object's replace() method

Learn how to replace substrings in a string using the replace() method in Google Apps Script.

The String object's substring() method

Learn how to extract characters from a string using the substring() method in Google Apps Script.

The String object's slice() method

Learn how to extract a portion of a string using the slice() method in Google Apps Script.

The String object's length property

Learn how to find the number of characters in a string using the length property in Google Apps Script.

How to Export Google Docs to PDF Using Apps Script (with Tab Support)

Learn how to export an entire Google Doc or just a specific tab to PDF using Apps Script

Create a Custom Function to Identify Email Providers in Google Sheets

Learn how to create a custom function in Google Sheets that automatically identifies the email provider (Gmail, Microsoft 365, etc.) from any email address.

Functions in Apps Script

Learn how to write and use functions in Apps Script to organize and reuse your code.

Get Notified When Your Favorite YouTube Channels Post New Videos

Learn how to get email notifications whenever your favorite YouTube channels post new videos using Google Sheets and Apps Script.

Using AI to Generate Test Data for Apps Script

Learn how to use AI to create comprehensive test data for your Apps Script functions, ensuring robust and reliable code.

Merge Consecutive Cells in Google Sheets Using Apps Script

Learn how to automatically merge adjacent cells that contain the same value in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Using ARRAYFORMULA with Custom Functions

Learn how to use ARRAYFORMULA with custom functions in Google Sheets to process entire columns efficiently

Automated Annual Reminders: Google Sheets to Calendar

Automate reminders for recurring annual events using Google Sheets and Calendar

Exporting Google Slides to Images

Learn how to convert your Google Slides presentation into a series of images.

Gmail to Drive: How to Save Emails as PDFs Automatically using Apps Script

Never lose important emails again! This Apps Script tutorial automates saving Gmail threads as PDFs in your Drive for easy archiving.

Get Ahead of Special Occasions: Advance Event Reminders with Apps Script

Stay on top of important dates with minimal effort! This tutorial shows you how to receive timely event reminders using Google Sheets and Apps Script.

Automate PDF Transfers from Google Drive to Kindle

Learn how to automatically send PDFs from your Google Drive to your Kindle device using Apps Script. Streamline your reading and save time with this easy setup.

The String object's concat() method

The concat() method combines two or more strings into a single string.

The String object's charAt() method

The charAt() method returns the character at a specific position in a string.

Inline images in emails using MailApp in Apps Script

Learn how to embed inline images in emails using MailApp in Apps Script.

Website monitoring using Google Sheets and Apps Script

Learn how to implement a simple website monitoring solution using Google Sheets and Apps Script.

How to submit responses to a Google Form using Apps Script?

Learn how to use Apps Script to automatically submit responses to a Google Form.

A comprehensive guide to UrlFetchApp in Apps Script

Learn how to use the UrlFetch API to connect your Google Sheets spreadsheet to the rest of the digital world.

What is an API?

The term API stands for Application Programming Interface. APIs let you build powerful applications without having to write code from scratch.

Comprehensive guide: Export Google Sheets as PDF, Excel, CSV, or other formats using Apps Script

A comprehensive guide on converting Google Sheets to PDF, Excel, CSV, TSV, ODS or HTML using Apps Script

Insert an image into a cell in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to insert an image into a cell in Google Sheets using Apps Script.

The Array methods reduce() and reduceRight() in Apps Script

The Array methods reduce() and reduceRight() reduce the values in an array to a single value.

The Array method map() in Apps Script

The Array method map() creates a new array whose values are obtained by calling a function on each element of the original array.

What is caching?

A cache is a place where you store data that you want to access quickly. The process of storing data in the cache is called caching.

Motivational quotes to start your day using Google Sheets and Apps Script

Learn how to use Google Sheets and Apps Script to receive an email every morning with a motivational quote.

Enable autocomplete for custom functions in Google Sheets using JSDoc

Learn how to enable autocomplete for your custom functions when you use them within formulas in Google Sheets.

Get the spreadsheet name, the current sheet's name and the list of sheets in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to create your own formulas in Google Sheets to get the name of the spreadsheet and the sheets it contains.

Find and replace text in Google Sheets using TextFinder and Apps Script

Learn how to automate the "find and replace" feature in Google Sheets using Apps Script.

How to make a Table in Google Sheets?

Learn how to make a table in Google Sheets that is less error prone and is more effective at conveying information.

Comments in Apps Script

Add comments to your code to help others understand what your code does.

Convert each row in Google Sheets into a slide in Google Slides using Apps Script

Learn how to use Apps Script to create a slide in a Google Slides presentation for every row in a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

Automatically convert Excel spreadsheets to Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to convert Excel to Google Sheets using Apps Script and then import data from the converted spreadsheet into a master Google Sheets spreadsheet!

Solve the Monty Hall problem using simulation and Google Sheets

Are you going to win a car or a goat? Learn how to use simulation and Google Sheets to solve a world famous problem!

Email notifications for Google Forms

Learn how to send email notifications whenever a Google Form is submitted and also include the contents of the submission in the notification itself.

How to return an error from a custom function?

Learn how to use the throw statement to inform users that an error has occurred in a custom function.

How to pass cell coordinates to a custom function?

Learn how to make your custom function know which cell it is being run from.

Hide rows based on cell value in Google Sheets using Apps Script

In Google Sheets, you can use Apps Script to hide rows where a cell has a specific value.

Tic Tac Toe in Google Sheets

Learn how to build Tic Tac Toe in Google Sheets using Apps Script.

Automatically detect when the user selects a new Range in Google Sheets

Learn how to use the onSelectionChange() trigger to detect when the user selects a new range in Google Sheets.

Export a list of your files in Google Drive to Google Sheets using Apps Script

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to export a list of your Drive files to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

Enter the same value in every cell of a Range in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Did you know there is an easy way to enter the same value in every cell of a Range in Google Sheets using Apps Script?

Mail Merge from Google Sheets to Google Slides

Learn how to create personalized student certificates by mail merging data from Google Sheets into a Google Slides template.

Create Google Docs from Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to automate parts of your content creation workflow using Apps Script.

Center images in Google Slides using Apps Script

Learn how to use Apps Script to center images in a Google Slides presentation.

Insert images from Google Drive into Google Slides using Apps Script

With just a few lines of code you can insert images from Google Drive into Google Slides using Apps Script.

Merge images in Google Slides using Apps Script

Learn how to programmatically insert images into a Google Slides presentation using Apps Script.

Create a copy of a Google Slides presentation using Apps Script

Learn two ways to create a copy of a Google Slides presentation using Apps Script.

Generate Google Slides from Google Sheets

Automatically generate Google Slides presentations using data from a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

Returning values from custom functions in Google Sheets

In this tutorial, I'll describe how to return values, errors and arrays from a custom function.

Clear a Range in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to clear the contents, formatting, data validations, etc. in a range using Apps Script.

Hide or show a sheet in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to hide a sheet, or show a hidden sheet in Google Sheets using Apps Script.

Rename a sheet in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to rename a sheet in Google Sheets using Apps Script.

Create a new sheet for each row in a Google Sheets spreadsheet using Apps Script

Learn how to create a new sheet for each row in a Google Sheets spreadsheet using Apps Script.

Find out which menu item was selected from a custom menu in Google Sheets

Determine which menu item was selected from a custom menu in Google Sheets using a single handler function.

Navigation menu in Google Sheets

Learn how to build a navigation menu in Google Sheets to make it easy for users to find and open the right sheet.

Google Apps Script Tutorial

Learn Google Apps Script, learn how to use it to automate your tasks, and build simple user interfaces and applications in Google Sheets.

The Array method some() in Apps Script

The Array method some() is used to check if at least one element in the array meets a set of conditions.

The Array method filter() in Apps Script

The Array method filter() is used to filter an array based on a set of conditions.

Activate a sheet in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script

Learn how to programmatically activate a sheet using Apps Script.

Iterate through every cell in a range in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to iterate through every cell in a range in Google Sheets using Apps Script

The Array method every() in Apps Script

The Array method every() is used to check if every value in an array meets a set of conditions.

The Array method indexOf() in Apps Script

The Array method indexOf() is used to find if a value is present in an array. It returns the index where the element is found or -1 if it is not found in the array.

The forEach() loop in Apps Script

The Array method forEach() is used to execute a function for every element in an array. It is also referred to as the forEach loop.

Expense approval workflow using Google Forms and Apps Script

Learn how to build a simple expense report approval workflow using Google Forms, Google Sheets and Google Apps Script.

Automate inserting charts in Google Sheets using Macros

Instead of inserting charts manually, you can use Macros to automate this process.

Automatically resize rows & columns in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Tired of manually resizing rows and columns in Google Sheets? Learn how to automate this using Apps Script!

Create triggers programmatically using Apps Script

Creating triggers using the Apps Script editor UI can be inefficient if you're creating many triggers. Learn how to use Apps Script to programmatically create triggers!

Add links to a cell in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to add links to a cell in Google Sheets using Apps Script.

Iterate through rows in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to iterate through rows in a Google Sheets spreadsheet using Google Apps Script and take some action on each row.

Build custom user interfaces in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to build custom user interfaces like alerts, prompts, sidebars, etc. in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.

Custom dialog in Google Sheets

A custom dialog can be used to build custom prompts, alerts or other dialogs in Google Sheets.

Freeze rows and columns in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to freeze rows and columns in Google Sheets using Apps Script.

Write multiple rows of data to Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to efficiently write multiple rows of data to a Google Sheets spreadsheet using Apps Script.

The Array method concat() in Apps Script

The Array method concat() merges two or more arrays into a single array

Google Sheets Tip: Show Formulas in Google Sheets

Learn how to view all of the formulas in your Google Sheets spreadsheet at once.

Custom sidebar in Google Sheets

A custom sidebar can be used to build your own user interfaces (such as data entry forms) within Google Sheets.

Automate Google Sheets using Macros

A macro is a simple way to automate repetitive tasks in Google Sheets. Using a macro, you can record a set of actions and then reuse them in the future with just a single click.

Streamline data entry by embedding Google Forms in Google Sheets

Streamline data entry and minimize data entry errors by embedding a Google Form in a Google Sheets spreadsheet using Google Apps Script.

Radio buttons in Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to build radio-button-like functionality in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.

5+ ways to run Google Apps Scripts in Google Sheets

Learn about several ways to run Google Apps Scripts in Google Sheets and when to use each method.

How to convert strings to Proper case in Apps Script?

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to write a custom function to convert a string to Proper case in Google Apps Script.

Working with Checkboxes in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script

Learn how to insert, remove and work with checkboxes in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.

The Array method splice() in Apps Script

The Array method splice() is used to change an array by removing elements from it and/or adding elements to it.

Strings in Apps Script

Strings are text values and you'll use them a lot while programming. This tutorial covers the basics of working with strings in Google Apps Script.

Checkboxes in Google Sheets

Learn how to make your Google Sheets spreadsheet interactive using checkboxes.

Named ranges in Google Sheets

This tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of named ranges in Google Sheets and how to use them with Google Apps Script.

Reading from and writing to a Range in Google Sheets using Apps Script

This tutorial will walk you through several ways to read data from and write data to your Google Sheets spreadsheet using Google Apps Script.

Range in Google Sheets

A range represents a single cell or a group of adjacent cells in your spreadsheet. In this tutorial, you'll learn about what ranges are and how to use them.

Google Apps Script editor keyboard shortcuts

A comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts for the Google Apps Script editor to help you become more productive while using it.

Your questions answered

This page has answers to questions submitted by readers of this blog.

Apps Script deployed as a Web App returns 404 error

Learn how to fix 404 errors in Web Apps built using Apps Script.

Buttons in Google Sheets

Learn how to create clickable buttons in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.

Custom menus in Google Sheets

Custom menus in Google Sheets make it easy for end users to access the functionality that you've developed using Google Apps Script. Learn how to create custom menus in Google Sheets.

Pop up alert messages in Google Sheets

A pop up alert message is used to display important information that the user must pay attention to. Learn how to display pop up alert messages in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.

The Array method unshift() in Apps Script

The Array method unshift() adds elements to the beginning of an array.

Displaying notifications in Google Sheets using toasts

A toast is a notification that provides some contextual information to the user in an unobtrusive manner. Learn how to display toast notifications in Google Sheets using Google Apps Script.

The Array method shift() in Apps Script

The Array method shift() removes an element from the beginning of an array.

Star rating system in Google Sheets

Learn how to build a 5-star rating system in Google Sheets using a custom function written with Google Apps Script.

The Array method pop() in Apps Script

The Array method pop() removes an element from the end of an array.

Email notes to yourself from your phone using Google Sheets

Learn how to build a simple app to email notes to yourself from your phone using Google Sheets, Google Forms and Google Apps Script.

How to import CSV files into Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to automatically import CSV files from a URL or from Google Drive into Google Sheets using Apps Script.

The Array method push() in Apps Script

The Array method push() adds elements to the end of an array.

The Array method sort() in Apps Script

The Array method sort() sorts the elements in an array.

The Array method reverse() in Apps Script

The Array method reverse() reverses the order of elements in an array.

The Array method join() in Apps Script

The Array method join() concatenates the values in an array into a single string.

How to automatically sort Google Form responses

Learn how to automatically sort your Google Form's responses so you'll always see the most recent ones at the top.

How to get the Hexadecimal codes of colors in Google Sheets

Learn how to write a custom function to get the HTML color code (also known as a Hex code) of a cell's background color.

Send email when a Google Sheet is edited

Learn how to automatically send email notifications whenever your Google Sheets spreadsheet is edited.

Triggers in Google Sheets

Triggers enable you to automate your tasks and workflows in Google Sheets. In this article, you'll learn more about triggers, how they work and how to create them.

Get started with running JavaScript in Google Sheets

This tutorial will show you how to run JavaScript code in Google Sheets.

Send HTML email from Google Sheets

Learn how to send HTML email from Google Sheets using Apps Script. I'll also show you how to create the HTML email template using Gmail and Google Docs.

Mail Merge in Google Sheets

Learn how to send personalized emails from Google Sheets using Mail Merge.

Send an email for every row in a Google Sheet

This tutorial will teach you how to send an email for every row in a Google Sheet.

Send email from Google Sheets based on a schedule

If you've worked in any organization of any size, you've probably had to put together and send reports on a regular basis to your team. In this post, I'll show you how to automate sending emails from Google Sheets based on a schedule.

Automatically email a Google Sheet as a PDF attachment

In this post, I'll teach you how to automatically email a Google Sheet as as a PDF attachment from within Google sheets itself.

Sending email from Google Sheets

A comprehensive guide on sending emails from Google Sheets.

Values & types - Coding concepts using Sheets

I'm writing a series of posts to explain basic coding concepts using Google Sheets. In this post, I will explain what a value is and I will also introduce the concept of a data type.

Build a guessing game in Google Sheets

Learn how to build a guessing game in Google Sheets using Apps Script.

Getting user input in Google Sheets using prompts

Learn how to use prompts to get user input in Google Sheets.

Authorizing an Apps Script

Learn how to authorize an Apps Script and the security and privacy considerations to keep in mind while doing so.

Tracking your mood using Google Sheets

Learn how to build a simple mood tracking app using Google Sheets.

Learn coding using Google Sheets and Apps Script

Apps Script is my superpower and it can become yours too! I am going to teach you to code using Google Sheets and Apps Script. I’m not going to teach you every single coding concept but I'll teach you enough to build simple applications.

What is Apps Script?

Apps Script is a coding platform in G Suite that can be used to build simple applications on top of existing apps such as Sheets, Docs, Forms, etc.

Loops in Apps Script

A loop is a piece of code that runs a set of statements multiple times. Each run is called an iteration. There are two common types of loops in Apps Script: For and While.

Arrays in Apps Script

An array is a special type of object that is used to store a list of values. You will use arrays extensively while working with Google Sheets using Apps Script.

Objects in Apps Script

Objects are used to organize the values in your Apps Script program that are related to one another.

Variables and constants in Apps Script

Variables are used to store values. Constants are just like variables except you cannot change their value after assignment.

Conditional logic in Apps Script

Learn how to use IF-ELSE statements in your Apps Script code to implement conditional logic.

Values, types and operators in Apps Script

Values are the data used by your program. There are six types of values in Apps Script. Operators are used to perform operations on values.

Custom functions for Google Sheets using Apps Script

Learn how to write a custom function for Google Sheets using Apps Script.

Creating your first Apps Script

Learn how to create an Apps Script.

Birthday reminders using Google Sheets

Learn how to use Google Sheets and email reminders to remember birthdays.

Hello world

Why I started a blog to teach spreadsheet users to code.

Popular Tutorials

Learn coding using Google Sheets

Build simple applications using spreadsheets and automate your work without becoming a full-time programmer.

Sending email from Google Sheets

Create birthday reminders or automate sending those boring "Daily report" emails at work.